Beautiful... We are no longer flightless!! Ok... this is just plain weird and a bit creepy!! AAAWW!! Jeez! if that was real... i don't know what would happen... A random cat pic!
Ink!! i'm both happy and sad that i'm back happy because i'm back and can blog and i'm in my own bed now... but i'm sad cause i miss the camping place and everything round there... :) :( anyway will see if i can post bout it today! ^_^
sorry had to delet mine i did way to many typos.Cool pics and the golden gate brig is a famose brige that connects sanfransisco(famos city)to the rest of california its a huge brige!!were do you live to have never hered about it I only went to school for a little and then escaped?
Garren i used to live in SA(South Africa)i'm 15; i'v lived in SA for 14 yrs then i moved to the UK(United Kingdom)...
i think that i've seen that bridge on a TV show 'Charmed'; have you seen it? anyway i've only seen the bridge on TV... never heard it's name though so i didn't recognise it...
very cool. except for the creepy one. that just freaked me out. i think i just the aligatorbird flying past my window with my cat and a teacup in its mouth.
went sailing on the weekend!!!!!!!! So much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (except for the bit when i thought the boat was gonna tip over!) anyway, i got ice-cream at the place we stopped for the night and then we went sailing back the way we'd come the previous day it was so great!!! I got sea-sick, ate some chips, had a bacon sandwich and got Sea legs!!! Sea legs are so wierd!; it's like everything is moving over waves and like the little currents, it's like being dizzy only it gives you more balance than unbalancing you!(well it did that with me)
Oh my gosh!!!!! That sounds SO FUN!!! I'm glad that you had a good time!! I should go sailing, then get sea legs, and then hang with friends... just to see what they'd say... That would be HILARIOUS.
Hey!!! Are you going to post any other pictures!? Maybe you should post pictures of dogs! I have a siberian husky. i post pics of him on my blog. I think you saw his pics before rite? He is sooooo cute!!!!
I'm 18
I love listening to music! I don't think I'd be able to live if all music was gone from the world...
I also love reading! At the momment I'm reading: Lirael by Garth Nix.
i don't normally cry.
i love animals but am not a vegaterian.
I'm not christian, I don't really believe in any religion.
I also love writing! It doesn't matter where I am, if I have an idea in my head I have to write it down! Which is why I almost always carry a writing pad around with me :P
Those are all SO COOL!! Some are a little creepy though...
Awww! I'm going to miss you too!!
: (
: (
OMG!!! So cute!!! Not the VERY creepy one though. I'll miss you too!!!!!:(
missed you!!!!!!!!!!
Am back now!
Wingedchild will check it out!!
missed you too!!!
I know! I missed you too!
I'm glad that you're back!
i'm both happy and sad that i'm back happy because i'm back and can blog and i'm in my own bed now... but i'm sad cause i miss the camping place and everything round there...
anyway will see if i can post bout it today!
those r awesome. i don't like the flying crocodiles cuz w/ my luck, my brother would sick one on me.
Angelic chica
yeah the flying crocodile thing is freaky!
I get the whole sad/happy thing. Everyone feels like that after having a great time somewhere!
sorry had to delet mine i did way to many typos.Cool pics and the golden gate brig is a famose brige that connects sanfransisco(famos city)to the rest of california its a huge brige!!were do you live to have never hered about it I only went to school for a little and then escaped?
and I know about it
i used to live in SA(South Africa)i'm 15; i'v lived in SA for 14 yrs then i moved to the UK(United Kingdom)...
i think that i've seen that bridge on a TV show 'Charmed'; have you seen it?
anyway i've only seen the bridge on TV...
never heard it's name though so i didn't recognise it...
sorry ranting...
Do you still feel that way?
feeling a little better...
this is random...
i love the Avatar series!!!!
It's Great!!!
That's good!
It always is!
Me too! I can't wait till the next season! Zuko is going to kiss his sister's little emo chick friend! And Ang is going to get HAIR!!!
hi my wings are brown black and white!
Wiiiiiiiiiiiings? Where are yooooooooooooooooooou???
aang's getting hair?!!!
wait..! wait.. what did you say?
Zuko's going to KISS his sisters emo friend???!!!!!
how far ahead are you?
last bit i watched was book two: Earth...
i'm not that far
Garren cool!
i'm in England
sorry started school and havent found any time to blog!
how're you?
very cool. except for the creepy one. that just freaked me out. i think i just the aligatorbird flying past my window with my cat and a teacup in its mouth.
That's so awesome. I wish I could be there with you!
Its otay! I get the school thing!
I'm good, you?
I'm glad to hear that you're doing good!
I'm also good!
went sailing on the weekend!!!!!!!!
So much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(except for the bit when i thought the boat was gonna tip over!)
anyway, i got ice-cream at the place we stopped for the night and then we went sailing back the way we'd come the previous day it was so great!!! I got sea-sick, ate some chips, had a bacon sandwich and got Sea legs!!!
Sea legs are so wierd!; it's like everything is moving over waves and like the little currents, it's like being dizzy only it gives you more balance than unbalancing you!(well it did that with me)
it was so wierd when i went into my bathroom cause it was like the room was moving!
Oh my gosh!!!!! That sounds SO FUN!!!
I'm glad that you had a good time!!
I should go sailing, then get sea legs, and then hang with friends... just to see what they'd say...
That would be HILARIOUS.
Glad that you're doing good too!
Hey!!! Are you going to post any other pictures!? Maybe you should post pictures of dogs! I have a siberian husky. i post pics of him on my blog. I think you saw his pics before rite? He is sooooo cute!!!!
Wow those are really cool where did yuo find them.I like em.:)
sounds like a great idea!!!!!!!!
how you doing?
yeah i saw a pic of him!
I searched all over the place!
glad you like 'em!
Awww!!! I love those cute pictures!!! I have some pretty cool ones on my blog....if ya look!
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