I don't know why i'm posting daggers i just feel like i want to....
i don't know much bout daggers but they've always seem so beautiful to me...
dangerous? yes, but they are so beautiful...
they're like brilliant pieces of art...
sorry i'm ranty a little...

Ooo Ooo Ooo!!! Cool cool cool!!!! LOL XD
Let's have meadows!!!
they are so cool!!!
you got it!
hey great daggers i love the daggers i have tattoe of the fourth dagger tiberian demon slayer is there anyway you can take pic of them standing like you first pics with the black back ground > im looking for display pic of the tiberian demon slayer and the one s you are great but it be better with the black backgorund and the daggers standing side by side minus the case. it would be so great if you can thanks
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